Widespread in Curculionidae beetles, also known as weevils, mimicry offers astonishing models of study in these Species. Two Brazilian entomologists, Sergio A. Vanin (department of zoology-university of Sao Paulo) and Tadeu J. Guerra (department of Biology-federal University of Minas Gerais), have described in 2012 a new remarkable species of weevil that mimics Flies of the…
Tag: coleoptera
The beetles of the Paris Basin: interview of Bruno Mériguet
Post Views: 21,819 Carabes, ketoines, scarabs, capricorns, chrysomèles… : a guide to discover half a thousand Parisian Basin coleos Ayant présenté il y a peu
Beetles of the world: an encyclopedia – Interview of Patrice Bouchard
Post Views: 2,225 Coléoptères du monde : une encyclopédie Editions Delachaux & Niestlé on sale since April 7, 2016 The beetles become real stars :