Post Views: 2,964 The species of ants known as “mushroom ants” or “leafcutters” belong mainly to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (family Formicidae and subfamily
Tag: co-evolution
Publication in the journal Nature/Heredity of some of my results on Heliconius butterflies
Post Views: 1,672 Heliconius within the “Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity” of Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (UMR 7205-CNRS) and on the Gamboa
Discovery on the symbiotic adaptation between the mushroom ants and their fungus
Post Views: 1,753 An interesting discovery about the mutual relations between the leaf-cutting ants (“mushroomists”) and the mushrooms they cultivate has just been published in
Agaonides wasps and fig trees: a history of mutualism
Post Views: 4,356 Insects and plants have maintained interdependent relationships since the appearance of flowering plants in the Cretaceous (145-65 million years) (read th article).
Acoustic mimicry of butterflies in anthills
Post Views: 1,144 Discovery of an acoustic mimicry used by the caterpillars of a butterfly to deceive ants and obtain food and care essential to