My Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae – Benoît GILLES

1) Current situation

Research & Development Manager – Entomology / Cycle Farms

2) University training


  • Master research (2008) : Institut de recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte (IRBI) – Université de François Rabelais de Tours
  • Licence (2006) : University of Poitiers
3) Work experiences


– Chargé de mission / SA Petrossian (2015)

  • Research, analysis, synthesis and writing of scientific, technical and bibliographical reports

– Project manager in R&D / SAS Esturniac – Project to install an innovative agro-ecological fish farm (2013-2015) :

  • Scientific advisor
  • Implementation of a Research & Development program and scientific collaboration with the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (MNHN)

  • Performance, monitoring and control of technical and scientific studies
  • Management of technical, administrative, legal and financial files

INRA-Orléans / Design engineer (2011-2012) – Research unit : Forest zoology

  • Forestry agro-ecology and entomofauna inventory project (à lire ici)

SAFEGEBordeaux / Ingénieur d’études (2011)

  • Fauna/Flora inventories and impact study and impact report writing

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (MNHN) / Chargé d’études (2009) – Institut de Systématique, Evolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB) (direction Mathieu JORON)

  • Scientific research project in Evolutionary Ecology : study model mimetic butterflies of the genus Heliconius (plus ici)
  • Development, realization and follow-up of experimental protocols in laboratory and tropical environment
  • Coordination, management and follow-up of scientific missions and teams
    • Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panama) / 5 months (plus ici)
    • Station des Nouragues (French Guiana) / 1 month <(plus here)
  • Publication d’article scientifique (2015) : “Conservatism and novelty in the genetic architecture of adaptation in Heliconius butterflies” – Heredity (à lire ici)

CIRAD-La Réunion (International Center for Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development) / Research Officer (2008) : Plant Protection Center

  • Scientific research project in agro-ecological control (Tephritidae flies) (plus ici)
  • Implementation and follow-up of experimental protocols (in vivo & in natura) and interpretation of results
  • Development and proposal of new agro-ecological practices (GAMOUR Project : 2009-2011)
  • Reporting

University of St Denis-La Réunion / Chargé d’études (Voluntary mission) ( August 2007)

  • Wildlife/flora inventory – International project in evolutionary ecology in the Mascarene Islands (ANR-BIOTAS Project)
4) Extra-professional activities


Active member of associations d’études et de protection de la nature et de la biodiversité (OPIE, INPN, Charente-Nature)

  • Participation in entomological inventories, atlases and educational activities

Auto-entrepreneurship ( contact me here for more information or request):

  • Educational interventions with school children
  • Entomological inventories
  • Conferences

– Collection, insect breeding and participation in specialized entomology forums (determination, inventory, information exchange…) (plus here)

Travel : Kenya, Italy, California, La Réunion, Panama, French Guiana, Israel, Canada (Vancouver), Dominican Republic

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