Post Views: 3,984 Regions of the world, geographically isolated from other continents for millions of years, have allowed the appearance of unique, rare and incredible
Tag: ecology
The membracides, surprising little insects
Post Views: 2,393 Membersracides are small insects belonging to the super-family Membracoidea and to the order Hemiptera : aphids, leafhoppers and cicadas, characterized by an
Agaonides wasps and fig trees: a history of mutualism
Post Views: 4,356 Insects and plants have maintained interdependent relationships since the appearance of flowering plants in the Cretaceous (145-65 million years) (read th article).
Acoustic mimicry of butterflies in anthills
Post Views: 1,144 Discovery of an acoustic mimicry used by the caterpillars of a butterfly to deceive ants and obtain food and care essential to
Legionary ants of the genus Eciton
Presentation of a typical species of ants from Panama encountered during my stay at STRI Legionary ants, genus Eciton Ants of the genus Eciton are called “legionnaires” because of their nomadic way of life and their hunting technique which consists in capturing any animal in their path. Several species occur in tropical forests in Central…
Fruit flies of the family Tephritidae
Post Views: 3,252 Tephritidae flies presentation The family Tephritidae, or “fruit flies”, includes more than 4000 species divided into 500 genera. It is one of
Agro-ecological fly control Tephritidae (La Réunion)
Post Views: 1,129 As I explain ithere, Reunion Island is confronted with problems of management of populations of crop insect pests such as Tephritidae flies