Post Views: 1,814 In insects, wings are subjected to strong natural selection pressures for camouflage, mimicry and warning coloration. The patterns and colours of butterfly
Tag: french guiana
Hypocephalus armatus: a (very) unusual long-horned beetle
Post Views: 3,500 Hypocephalus armatus is a large South American Beetle em>Hypocephalus armatus is a large South American Beetle of a unique morphology among long
Morpho’s blue colour: a structural origin
Post Views: 3,146 Color is not an intrinsic characteristic (own to) of living objects and organisms. It depends on the type of receivers and the
Publication in the journal Nature/Heredity of some of my results on Heliconius butterflies
Post Views: 1,678 Heliconius within the “Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity” of Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (UMR 7205-CNRS) and on the Gamboa
Fauna & Flora – Station des Nouragues
Post Views: 2,376 Album photos of the fauna and flora observed during my stay at the Nouragues station as part of a scientific mission with
Wildlife and Flora in the mountains and marshes of Kaw (French Guiana)
Post Views: 3,320 Album photos of animal and plant species that I had the chance to meet in the Kaw region (mountains and marshes) in
Heliconius butterfly breeding
Post Views: 1,637 My research mission at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Gamboa, Panama consisted in breeding the species Heliconius hecale and in
Article on Heliconius published in the journal Insectes (OPIE)
Post Views: 994 Following my research mission on Heliconius conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Gamboa, Panama, I proposed to the journal
Stay in French Guiana
Post Views: 3,611 Photo album of my stay in the Guyanese rainforest during a scientific research mission with the CNRS and the Muséum National d’Histoire
Meeting with a 3-fingered Sloth (Bradipus tridactylus)
Post Views: 1,601 During a day of prospecting and collecting Heliconius in Kaw Mountain, I hear a noise, a crack in a tree… a fall