By Pascal ROUSSE In the world of parasitoids (lire this article), the ovipositor, also called oviscapte (abdominal appendix with which eggs are deposited), has a crucial role since it allows to locate precisely the egg laying in space and time, which is essential when it has to match the biological cycle of the host. Before…
Tag: hymenoptera
Yves Carton : “Histoire de l’entomologie – Relations entre français et américains” (History of entomology – French-American relations)
Post Views: 1,632 Interview of Yves Carton Director of Research emeritus at CNRS, Yves Carton worked as a geneticist at the Evolution, Genomes, Behavior, Ecology
Escovopsis : Parasitism in mushroomists ants
Post Views: 2,412 Mushroom ants have the particularity of feeding exclusively on a Basidiomycete fungus, which they grow on a substrate fed by the collection
The power of the Cataglyphs of the desert
Post Views: 2,115 Desert ants of the species Cataglyphis bombycina live in environments with extreme temperature conditions. In the middle of the day, despite an
Mushroomists Ants of the genus Atta
Post Views: 2,986 The species of ants known as “mushroom ants” or “leafcutters” belong mainly to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (family Formicidae and subfamily
How strong does an ant develop?
Post Views: 1,798 We have all seen ants at work: they have the ability to lift and carry mass loads several times their own. The
Insect size records!
Post Views: 2,851 For most people, insects are very small animals that run, fly or swim around us. Or, some species have sizes far exceeding
Presentation of my ant colonies
Post Views: 2,020 As you can read in my various articles, I have been breeding several species of insects for many years, including colonies of
Discovery on the symbiotic adaptation between the mushroom ants and their fungus
Post Views: 1,769 An interesting discovery about the mutual relations between the leaf-cutting ants (“mushroomists”) and the mushrooms they cultivate has just been published in
Agaonides wasps and fig trees: a history of mutualism
Post Views: 4,456 Insects and plants have maintained interdependent relationships since the appearance of flowering plants in the Cretaceous (145-65 million years) (read th article).