Post Views: 1,642 The first flowering plants to appear in the trias (-200 million years) diversified during the Cretaceous and all the Tertiary. caption id=”attachment_3567″
Author: Benoît GILLES
Adrian Hoskins – All (or almost all) about day butterflies
Post Views: 2,943 An introduction to the world of rhopalocera English anthropologist of international renown, Adrian Hoskins has long studied British lepidopterological fauna and has
Insect vision (part 2): shape and movement
Post Views: 2,357 The eyes, in their diversity of form and structure, allow any organism (invertebrates and vertebrates) to collect light energy (photons), convert it
The beetles of the Paris Basin: interview of Bruno Mériguet
Post Views: 21,014 Carabes, ketoines, scarabs, capricorns, chrysomèles… : a guide to discover half a thousand Parisian Basin coleos Ayant présenté il y a peu
Makay 2016 Report
Post Views: 2,448 Return from the Makay massif since May 1st: this report is posted late, please excuse me, because of a change in professional
Duvalius abyssimus: a beetle of the depths
Post Views: 1,848 The ability of insects to colonize and adapt to extreme environments and inhospitable habitats is increasingly surprising. The discovery of a beetle
Interview of Marius BREDON – entomologist and photographer
Post Views: 1,507 caption id=”attachment_3152″ align=”alignright” width=”180″] Marius BREDON – entomologist – University of Tours (Source : Marius BREDON)[/caption] Continuing to present insect enthusiasts who
Beetles of the world: an encyclopedia – Interview of Patrice Bouchard
Post Views: 2,177 Coléoptères du monde : une encyclopédie Editions Delachaux & Niestlé on sale since April 7, 2016 The beetles become real stars :
Diptera Celyphidae: when flies mimic Beetles
The world of insects sometimes contains surprising and mysterious species. Diptera (“flies”) Celyphidae are among them. caption id=”attachment_3078″ align=”alignright” width=”301″] Paracelyphus hyacinthus (Source : Anthony KeiC Wong-Flickr)[/caption] The name of this family comes from the Greek word “κέλυφος” which can be translated as “box” or “shell” which characterizes the most striking characteristic of these insects:…
Scarabiasis: colic colos…
Post Views: 4,978 Entomology sometimes takes unexpected paths. This is what is defined as”scarabiasis” (or”canthariasis” from the Greek kantharos scarab and -iasis disease), a situation