by Pierre Anquet Pierre Anquet is 34 years old and works as a metallurgist. Fascinated by photography for almost 10 years, he specialized in macrophotography three years ago. Find it on Facebook: PierreAnquetPhotography Why do you like photography, and especially the insect macro? I have long done photography without finding a domain that really passion…
Category: Interview of entomologists
Local actors in the service of the study of the Entomofauna
Antoine Guyonnet, from Deux-Sèvres, presents his activities Biodiversity in decline Presentation by Antoine Guyonnet My passion for entomology and Lepidoptera in particular led me to join the OPIE Poitou-Charentes several years ago with which I carry out inventories of the Lepidoptera of Poitou-Charentes, my region of choice, and particularly in the Department of Deux-Sèvres…
Claude Dejoux: a career in the name of entomology
Interview of Claude Dejoux Wetland entomologist IRD Retiree – Chad – Bolivia – Mexico Professional career path Fascinated since childhood by the “things of nature”, I opt for a scientific baccalaureate called at the time “Modern Prime”. With this last diploma in my pocket, I set off in search of a training course in which…
Moi Parasite : the book of Pierre Kerner
With the publication of his book,”Moi, parasite”, Pierre Kerner finally offers a forum to organizations too often despised just because they live at the expense of other species. Meet a multitude of parasites of all kinds, including insects. These stories will leave no one indifferent and will delight the curious in search of strong sensations:…
Entomoculture: the insect as food
The world of insects, in addition to providing subjects for study to the entomologist, constitutes a real well of resources in various fields: biological treatment of organic materials, source of proteins for animal feed, and grocery ingredients for human cooking. In recent years, this last field has been increasingly in the spotlight… This interest has…
Gérard Duvallet presents his new book: “Entomologie médicale et vétérinaire”
Post Views: 2,063 Interview of Gérard Duvallet Medical entomologist Professor emeritus at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, researcher at the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive
Yves Carton : “Histoire de l’entomologie – Relations entre français et américains” (History of entomology – French-American relations)
Post Views: 1,632 Interview of Yves Carton Director of Research emeritus at CNRS, Yves Carton worked as a geneticist at the Evolution, Genomes, Behavior, Ecology
Interview of Pierre-Olivier Maquart
Post Views: 4,831 Interview de Pierre-Olivier Maquart Entomologist specializing in African Cerambycidae and Amblypyges In thesis at Stirling University – Scotland caption id=”attachment_3491″ align=”alignleft” width=”299″]
Interview Christophe Avon – Founder of WAS
Post Views: 1,654 Interview de Christophe AVON Director of the Natural History Museum (MAHN) – Alpes-Maritimes Entomologist at the Laboratory of Hypogaeous and Endogenous Entomology
Adrian Hoskins – All (or almost all) about day butterflies
Post Views: 2,974 An introduction to the world of rhopalocera English anthropologist of international renown, Adrian Hoskins has long studied British lepidopterological fauna and has