Thyreophora cynophila Thyreophora cynophila had not been observed < 160 years ago than the orange head of a fly specimen ! This species of the family Piophilidae (photos below), described in 1798 by the botanist and entomologist G.W.F. Panzer (1755-1829), had last been observed near Paris in 1840. Its presence had previously been recorded in…
Author: Benoît GILLES
The incredible life cycle of Micromalthus debilis!
Micromalthus debilis, an Archostemate (smallest suborder of beetles – 50 species) of North American origin does not seem to have evolved for several tens of millions of years : it is the only known living representative of the Micromalthidae family. Although the species displays archaic morphological characters, its development cycle is both complex and singular,…
Entomoculture: the insect as food
The world of insects, in addition to providing subjects for study to the entomologist, constitutes a real well of resources in various fields: biological treatment of organic materials, source of proteins for animal feed, and grocery ingredients for human cooking. In recent years, this last field has been increasingly in the spotlight… This interest has…
Ephydra hians: the diving fly of Mono Lake
Summer, the shores of Mono Lake in California are invaded by millions of small flies. The density is such that it sometimes reaches in places more than 2000 flies on the surface of a postcard, for a total population estimated at more than 100 billion individuals. These flies belong to a species: Ephydra hians (Ephydridae).…
Evolution and adaptation in Rhagovelia bedbugs
Genes at the origin of new traits giving access to a new environment chez la punaise Rhagovelia (Heteroptera, Gerromorpha, Veliidae) Evolutionary innovations result in the appearance of new structures or behaviours during evolution (ex lien), a coloration pattern in butterflies (lien). The theory predicts that these events of appearance are unique to each innovation and…
Makay 2017 : Report
I had the pleasure to invest myself this summer in a multidisciplinary scientific exploration mission in the Makay massif in Madagascar (21 July – 2 September 2017) led by the association Naturevolution and Evrard Wendenbaum, its founding president. My first stay in this region, in April 2016, allowed me to approach the unique potential and…
Makay 2017 – Project presentation: D-10
Context From July 22 to September 2 is organized by Naturevolution a great multidisciplinary scientific expedition in the Makay massif. This mission follows the first crossing of this region by Evrard Wendenbaum in 2007 and the scientific missions of 2010 and 2011. Naturevolution’s work has thus allowed the creation of the New Makay Protected Area…
The Mantodea: synthesis on these insects
By Nicolas MOULIN The mantises, a fascinating group of insects known to all for their voracity (some would say their cannibalism), are visible almost everywhere in the world. Only the poles and very high altitude environments do not support species. Elsewhere, they occur from the African deserts to the wet and relatively virgin areas of…
Gérard Duvallet presents his new book: “Entomologie médicale et vétérinaire”
Post Views: 2,056 Interview of Gérard Duvallet Medical entomologist Professor emeritus at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, researcher at the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive
Makay Mission – 2017
Post Views: 2,586 Mission Makay – 2017 Contribute to the financing of a scientific exploration mission in the Makay Massif – Madagascar Here a year,